I would love to live like the river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding. - John O’Donohue

Hi, and welcome to my portfolio! My name is Aditi, and I'm an architect and visual designer with wide-ranging interests. I specialize in space design, branding, graphics, logo design, packaging, illustration, creative direction and strategy. I have been working for 8 years+ in the design field and have worked for, and collaborated with various design studios, creative agencies and multinational brands across INDIA & UAE

My focus is on building brands ground up, creating unique visual concepts and gripping retail experiences. I'm always looking for creative and innovative solutions, aiming to reach fresh results. I am influenced and inspired by music and architecture, people I meet and other inspiring designers. 

I completed my Masters in Design from National Institute of Design, India in January 2017. I am currently based in Dubai, UAE, working as a Design Project Manager and I’m looking forward to working for creatives who have the same passion, that I have, for what they do. 


On a side note, I love travelling and baking. When not immersed in one of my projects, I can be found looking up new destinations, putting together an itinerary or finding some quirky recipes. 

If you wish to reach out for freelance/consulting, please contact me below or shoot a mail to aditigupta2110@gmail.com

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