OBJECTIVE : To build compositions with 3 defined elements in order to bring about the sense of an enclosure. The specified elements include a cube, a cuboid and a planar element having minimal thickness. 
OBJECTIVE : To pick a phrase or keyword that defines a particular characteristic of space organization , from a set of 6 such themes, and build a composition around the chosen theme using basic linear, and planar elements. 
Chosen theme : DEPTH
OBJECTIVE : To pick a phrase or keyword that defines a particular characteristic of space organization , different from the one chosen in exercise 1 , and build a composition around the chosen theme using basic linear, planar, CURVED and 3-d elements with a slight modification in the orientation of the elements.
Chosen theme : UNSTABILITY

OBJECTIVE : To select a space within the college premises, reproduce drawings for the same ( plans, sections and elevations) and use them to produce a scaled down ( 1: 50 ) model of the same
Chosen space : Administrative Lounge at the NID Bangalore 
OBJECTIVE : To pick a phrase or keyword that defines a state of mind/ an emotion/ an action or an atmosphere, and build a composition around the chosen theme using basic elements and colors. 
Chosen theme : OBLIVION
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